- First author, Investigating Strategies for Manufacturing Quality Improvement: A Case Study of the Electroplating Production Line, 2024 International Conference on Business, Economics and Management for Resiliency. June 3~5, 2024, Taipei, Taiwan.
- First author, Analyzing Travel Cost of Mangrove Ocean Blue Carbon Economic Value - Taking Tamsui Mangrove Natural Reserve as An Example, 2024 International Conference on Business, Economics and Management for Resiliency. June 3~5, 2024, Taipei, Taiwan.
- First author, 運用大數據工具分析Kali模擬滲透測試與學生租屋處網路阻斷服務攻擊,2024 國際資訊管理學術研討會,2024年6月23日淡江大學臺北校園。
- First author, 探討網站應用程式防火牆產品與組織適配性之研究,2024創新設計實務研討會,2024年6月5日致理科技大學。(Best Paper Award)
- First author, 探討WAF網站應用程式防火牆產品與服務創新機會,2024系統性創新研討會與專案競賽,2024年1月20日育達科技大學。
- First author, The implementation and performance evaluation of the lean management prototype system of the water valve production line in the manufacturing industry. The 14th International Conference & Global Competition on Systematic Innovation (ICSI & GCSI)October 13-15, 2023.
- Second author, Analysis of Carbon Neutralization Strategy Based on Carbon Inventory Data of Electroplating Factory. The 14th International Conference & Global Competition on Systematic Innovation (ICSI & GCSI)October 13-15, 2023.https://i-sim.org/icsi2023/
- First author, 工業物聯網導入強化型零信任架構之探討,2023 TANET & NCS臺灣網際網路研討會暨全國計算機會議,2023/11/1-3,地點:政大公企中心。
- First author, 馬達產品噪音檢測數據穩定度分析,2023中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會,2023/12/9,地點:逢甲大學。
- First author, 精實管理導入統包服務生產流程之影響,2023年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,2023/12/7-8,地點:朝陽科技大學。
- First author, Preliminary Study of Kebbi Intelligent Robot Teaching and Analysis of Students' Feedback- Analysis of STEM Model, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 2023《New Trends in Science Education and Training Technologies》, which will be held During February 27–28, 2023 in Ho Chi Minh Normal University- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Second author, 精實管理系統實作與產品數據分析-以水閥生產線為例,2022臺灣網際網路研討會,2022年12月15-17日,國立臺北商業大學桃園校區。
- First author, 蝦皮購物APP遊戲化機制對消費者情緒與購買意願之影響。2022臺灣網際網路研討會,2022年12月15-17日,國立臺北商業大學桃園校區。
- The third author and corresponding author, 信統電產公司精實診斷服務計畫,2021 教師產業研習與研究暨產業深耕實務經驗研討會,「教師產業研習與研究成果」海報發表,2021年12月8日黎明術學院。
- The third author and corresponding author, 馬達生產線之產品檢測大數據預測模型,2020第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會,2020年11月13日國立清華大學。
- Second author, 製造業電腦數值控制銑床機導入機械手臂效益分析之研究,2020第十六屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會,2020年11月13日國立清華大學。
- Third author, 精實生產與智慧系統流程管理之研究-以N公司馬達生產線為例,2020中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,2020年12月11日國立交通大學。
- The third author and corresponding author, The Investigation of Motor Production Test Indicators in Qualitative Research Methods. 10th International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development (ICETD 2020), which will be held during May 27-29, 2020 in Seoul, South Korea. during May 27-29, 2020. (MOST 108-2745-8-155-001)
- The fourth author and corresponding author, The Influence of Leadership and Collaborative Business on Innovation Value Chain. 2020 The 9th International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (ICSSH 2020) will be held from September 19-21, 2020 in Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan. (MOST 108-2745-8-155-001)
- The third author and corresponding author,A Preliminary Study of Intelligent Lifecycle Funds: Perspective of System Design and Empirical Case. 2019 8th International Conference on Business, Management and Governance (ICBMG 2019). The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia during November 18-20, 2019.
- The third author and corresponding author,Determinants of CSR and EICC Promote Creating Shared Value: A Case Study of Solen Company. 2019 4th International Conference on Marketing, Business and Trade (ICMBT 2019) Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan during January 10-13, 2019.( Best Presentation Paper Award)
- Second author, Determinants of Micro-Enterprise Cluster Innovation: Analysis of Member Identification and Satisfaction of Leadership. 2019 4th International Conference on Marketing, Business and Trade (ICMBT 2019) Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan during January 10-13, 2019.
- The third author and corresponding author,A Preliminary Study of IoT in Smart Manufacturing Management and Product Integration Services. 2018 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Governance (ICBMG 2018). The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia during November 19-21, 2018.
- Second author, Diffusion of E-commerce on Micro-enterprise Cluster Innovation Acceptance Rate: A case Study in Taiwan. 2018 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Governance (ICBMG 2018). The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia during November 19-21, 2018.
- Second author, Determinants of Consultant, Leader and Member by Micro-enterprise Cluster Relationship and the Development of Cluster’s Performance. 2018 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Governance (ICBMG 2018). The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia during November 19-21, 2018.
- The third author and corresponding author, The Impact of Information System Implement on Innovation Value Chain: A Case Study of Solen Electric Company's Product Integration Services. ICEEG 2018 International Conference on E-commerce, E-Business and E-Government, http://doi.org/10.1145/3234781.3234797 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong / June 13-15, 2018. (EI)
- The second author and corresponding author, The Impact of Technological Capabilities on Online-to-Offline Commerce: A Case of Micro-enterprises’ Cluster Performance. International Conference on E-Business and Internet Taichung, Taiwan. May 25 - 27, 2017.