姓名 |
顏郁人 |
職稱 |
專案助理教授 |
信箱 |
abelyen112@mail.chihlee.edu.tw |
研究室 |
圖書館6樓601室 |
專長科目 |
4.AR行銷專題 |
學歷 |
國立中興大學企業管理學系學士 |
經歷 |
獲得獎項 |
1. 指導學生參加2019全國技專院校i-Life創新服務·企劃競賽榮獲優等
2. 指導學生參加2018全國大專院校學生創意與創業競賽榮獲第三名
3. 指導學生參加2018全國大專院校Healthy x Happy創新提案構想書競賽榮獲佳作
4. 指導學生參加2017年第二屆新創盃全國大專校院創意創新創業企劃競賽第一名
5. 指導學生參加2017CUTE企管盃-全國大專校院暨高中職創新服務企劃競賽榮獲特優
6. 教育部智慧生活人才培育計畫105年度的績優教師
7. 通過106年度南區區域教學資源中心【數位影音課程開發及共享計畫】
8. 參與GCCCE2016、GCCCE2017全球華人計算機教育應用會議擔任Co-Chair
9. 擔任數位發展部數位産業署2023新現代五項科技運動會評審委員。 |
證照 |
CyberLink Certified Professional PowerDirector (CCP-PDR0000466) CyberLink發證
資訊專業人員能力鑑定 系統分析師(資鑑字第82010010號)經濟部教育部發證 |
期刊論文 |
1. Che-Hung Lin, Yu-Ren Yen, and Pai-Lu Wu (2015) Utilizing Simulation-Based Training of Video Clip Instruction for the Store Service Operations Practice Course. International Journal ofD istance Education Technologies, 13(4), 98-107. 【EI】
2. Yu Ren Yen, (2013) "The Effects of Human Anxiety on Leaming Behaviors in e-Learning Communities: The Difference of Gender'',
3. Yen, Y.-R., Tsai,B.-Y:,(2011) "Exploring the influential factors toward the continuance·intention of on-line books pur-chase," International Journal of Organizational Innovation, Vol.3 No.4. 【EI】
4. Yen, Y.-R, (2009)"An empirical analysis of relationship commitment and trust in virtual programmer community," In-ternational Journal of Computers, 1(3), P.171-180.
5. 黃照貴、顏郁人(2009),以關係承諾觀點探討虛擬社群不同參與程度成員之行為,資訊管理學報,第16卷專 刊,pp.57-82。【TSSCI】
6. Huang, Echo, Hsu, M-H., Yen, Y.R., "Understanding participant loyalty intentions in virtual communities, " WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications, 4(5) 2008, pp.497-511.【EI】
7. 許孟詳、王天津`楊星憙顏郁人(2006),供應鏈管理:資訊系統文獻回顧之曆史性分析,管理評論,第26卷 第1期,pp.71-95.。【TSSCI】 |
研討會論文 |
8. Tsai,Ling-Ling,Yen,Yu-ren,Chen,Cheng-te,Lin,Huang-Yao (2O15) "University-communityPartnersUps for Local Museum : An Interdisciplinary Service-Learning Project," 5th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Leaming, Taipei, Taiwan, May 27-29,2015.
9. Yen,Y .R. (2014). "Simulation-Based Training Improves Catering Apprentices' Mise-en-Place Knowledge," 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Athens, Greece, July 7-9, 2014.
10. Pai-Lu Wu, Yu-Ren Yen,Hui-Ju Wu, Chien-Yu, Lin (2013,Dec). Effects of Inquiry-based Instruction: Case Study of a Marine Technology School.. 2013 International Conference on Quality in Higher Education (ICQH), Sakarya, Turkey..
11. Yu-Ren Yen, Bor-Yuan Tsai (2012, Jul). FACTORS INFLUENCING TRAINING TRANSFER OF PROCUREMENTSYSTEM. The 2012 lntemational Conference on Business and Information , Sapporo, Japan .
12. Yu Ren Yen (2011, Jul). A study of developing the procedural logic learning system using the concept of therbligs. 2011
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Barcelona, Spain. NSC 99-251 l-S-269-001.
13. Tsai, B.-Y, Yen, Y.-R,(2010)''Deconstructing perceived usefulness of IS continuance model-An empirical study of
blog usage,"2010 International Conference on Business and Information, July 5-7;2010, Kitakyushu, Japan. |